Classic Notes Development: Updated code to open design elements from Notes - in Designer
Tags: LotusScript
Thanks to Stephan Wissel who pointed me in the correct direction regarding how to open design elements directly – from the Notes client with LotusScript.
My updated code (from our code synopsis database, which contain info about all databases and their code)
' Sub OpenElementInDesigner
' Description: Open the design element in Designer. If the current document is
' a fObject-document, then the database itself is opened up in designer, but if the
' current document is a fCode-document, then the current design element is opened up
' directly.
' Thanks to Stephan Wissel for pointing me in the correct direction (ref the
' discussionb on my blog:
Sub OpenElementInDesigner(bOpenCurrentDocument As Boolean)
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim coll As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim docObject As NotesDocument
Dim docSelected As NotesDocument
Dim strNotesDir As String
Dim strCmdAndParam As String
Dim strServer As String
Dim strReplicaID As String
Dim strForm As String
Dim strUNID As String
Dim strParentUNID As String
Dim nam As NotesName
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument
Dim strNotesURL As String
On Error Resume Next
Set uidoc = ws.CurrentDocument
' Find the whereabouts of the notes.exe - the same as designer.exe
strNotesDir = FullTrim(session.GetEnvironmentString("NotesProgram",True))
If Len(strNotesDir) = 0 Then Exit Sub
' Ensure path is OK ...
If Right(strNotesDir, 1) <> "\" Then strNotesDir = strNotesDir & "\"
' Get the selected document
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
If bOpenCurrentDocument = True Then
Set docSelected = uidoc.Document
Set coll = db.UnprocessedDocuments
If coll.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
Set docSelected = coll.GetFirstDocument
End If
' Get the Form so I can have different processing ...
strForm = FullTrim(docSelected.Form(0))
' If I got a code segement document, then get the parent object document too
' Then construct the UNID and Open suffix for the URL
Select Case strForm
Case "fObject":
Set docObject = docSelected
Case "fCode":
strParentUNID = FullTrim(docSelected.txtInheritUNID(0))
If Len(strParentUNID) > 0 Then
Set docObject = db.GetDocumentByUNID(strParentUNID)
' Get the UNID of the Design element ...
strUNID = FullTrim(docSelected.txtNoteinfoUNID(0))
If Len(strUNID) > 0 Then
strNotesURL = Replace(strNotesURL, "$(UNIDANDCMD)", "/" & strUNID & "?Open")
End If
End If
End Select
If docObject Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
' Get the whereabout of the server and database ...
' Note that the server is specified by it's common name.
strReplicaID = FullTrim(docObject.txtReplicaID(0))
strNotesURL = Replace(strNotesURL, "$(REPLICAID)", strReplicaID)
strServer = FullTrim(docObject.txtServer(0))
If Len(strServer) > 0 Then
Set nam = New NotesName(strServer)
strServer = nam.Common
strServer = "/"
End If
strNotesURL = Replace(strNotesURL, "$(SERVERNAME)", strServer)
strNotesURL = Replace(strNotesURL, "$(UNIDANDCMD)", "") ' Ensures that a database-only also will open
' Finally construct the command and URL
strCmdAndParam = |"| & strNotesDir & |designer.exe" | & strNotesURL
' Launch it
Dim result As Integer
result = Shell(strCmdAndParam, 1)
End Sub
Posted by Stephan H. Wissel At 18:52:54 On 09.05.2012 | - Website - |